Tipps & Tricks

Sie streut Kaffeebohnen in ihren Garten. Nur 2 Wochen später? Der Anblick ist überwältigend!

Paragraph 8: Pest Deterrent Properties

In addition to providing nutrients, coffee grounds also act as a natural pest deterrent. The gardener observed that her plants were less susceptible to common garden pests like slugs and snails. The texture and aroma of the coffee grounds create a barrier that deters these pests, protecting the plants from damage and reducing the need for chemical pesticides.

Paragraph 9: Enhancing Soil Structure

Coffee grounds improve soil aeration and drainage by loosening compacted soil. This effect allows roots to penetrate more easily, facilitating better nutrient uptake and water absorption. The gardener noted that her garden’s soil was softer and more friable, making it easier to work with and providing an ideal environment for plant roots.

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